To book an appointment call: 403-289-9221


Comprehensive Eye Exams including:

  • Complex contact lens fits
    • orthokeratology
    • keratoconus
    • presbyopia
  • Diagnosis of ocular disease
    • Age Related Macular Degeneration
    • Glaucoma
    • Diabetic Retinopathy
    • Dry Eye Syndrome

woman having eye examination

Orthokeratology   “Ortho-k”

Would you like to stop wearing glasses?  Do you have a child whose prescription is increasing significantly year after year?  Click here for more info!

girl wearing glasses reading a book

State of the art technology including:

  • Digital Retinal Photography
  • Corneal Topography
  • Computer Automated Visual Fields

Retinal Photograph inside the eye.

Above is a digital retinal photo depicting an eye with a healthy optic nerve head (bright circle on the right) and macula (dark area on the left).


icon-eye-plus-minus whiteMy Child is Nearsighted…

Why is my child nearsighted?
What you should know if your child is nearsighted. What you can do…